West Virginia State Parks
Welcome to the WV State Parks online shop – your destination for Almost Heaven merchandise! Our mission is to capture the spirit and beauty of the Mountain State in every item we offer. From the rolling hills of the Appalachians to the historic charm of our small towns, West Virginia is a place like no other. We believe that every adventure here deserves a keepsake, and our collection is designed for locals and visitors alike who want to carry a piece of West Virginia with them wherever they go. This initiative is a collaborative partnership between three organizations: Job Squad Inc., WVARF and the State of West Virginia. Learn more about these partners below:

Job Squad Inc
Job Squad Inc. – Formed in 1984, JobSquad Inc. is a private, nonprofit organization and community rehabilitation program. The dignity, responsibility, and economic independence resulting from gainful employment are some of the most effective ways of enhancing self-reliance, facilitating recovery and promoting community acceptance of people with disabilities. Employment opportunities are provided through:
• Employment with businesses in the community
• Self-employment
• State, federal, and commercial contracts for custodial services, presort mail services, and grounds maintenance services.
Job Squad performs outreach activities to recruit individuals who want to work, but are experiencing barriers to employment. Through on-the-job training and supportive and therapeutic intervention, we strive to ensure successful work experiences, whether at a business in the community, on a service contract, or with their own small business.
Job Squad Inc. teams are handling all aspects of distribution for this project while employing West Virginia residents with disabilities.